So, I have to say that I’ve been intrigued with the idea of starting a blog for a while now. It’s intimidating because there are so many out there about any subject you can think of. What would mine be about? What would make mine different than anyone else’s? Why would anyone in their right mind want to read anything I posted? Would I care enough to post something more than once a month? I eventually thought, screw it. If the only people that read this are my parents, fine.

Marlene Dumas is a Dutch artist known for channeling themes such as birth, death, sex and violence into her work. The figures are beautifully haunting. I can definitely say I’m disappointed I missed out on her showing at the Museum of Modern Art this past December. The New York Times quotes her saying, “I am not one of those. I don’t go to a psychiatrist. I don’t go to a gym. I run away from my accountant, I run away from my dentist. They are all supposed to help you, but I like to stay in bed, where I have a chance to reflect, like Rossellini.” Coincidentally, I hate the dentist too…maybe I should try my hand at painting?